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2024 IY Camelids
2023 IY Millets, IY Dialogues as a Guarantee for Peace
2022 IY Basic Science for Sutstainable Development, IY Glass, IY Artisinal Fisheries and Aquaculture
2021 IY Fruits and Vegetables, IY Creative Economy for Sustainable Development
2020 Bushfires, Co-vid 19, IY Plant Health
2019 IY Indigenous Languages
2018 Harmony Day, World Environment Day (plastic focus), IY the Reef
2017- IY Sustainable Tourism for Development
2016- IY Pulses, PIEFA Canberra,
2015 - Global Soil Week Berlin, IY Soils, WEEC Gothenburg,
2014- IY Family Farming IY SIDS, National Science Week, AAEE Hobart,
2013 - Maths of Planet Earth, IY Water Cooperation, WEEC Marrakesh
2012 - Aust Year of the Farmer; Nat Year of Reading; Inspiring Australia; AAEE Melbourne
2011 - International Year of Forests; IY of Chemistry; World Wetlands Day Photographic Competition; WEEC Brisbane
2010- IY Biodiversity; the Dream Rocket; MDBA Sea to Source; World Wetlands Day Photographic Competition