2017 Sustainable Tourism for Development

In 2017, the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development (IYSTD), enviroed4all(R) explored aspects of tourism and how it relates to the F-10 Victorian Curriculum,  Australian Curriculum’s Cross-Curriculum priority of  Sustainable Education, and the 2030 UN Sustainable Development Goals, through the following articles.  

Tourism-More than you imagine  (issue 151) Jeanie park P1150837introduced the IYSTD and its aims. This article had activities to raise awareness of: tourism in summer holidays; development; sustainability; and sustainability and development in tourism; and how these fit with a key long-term aim of the new Victorian F-10 Curriculum.

Our-world-of tourism (issue 152) introduced patterns of tourism from the family Family travel mapto the nation to the globe, and types of tourists.  It showed two types of mapping that could be used to represent these patterns. It also included a quick overview of terms for the new Victorian F-10 Curriculum.

Sustainability-in-Tourism (issue 153) introduced the Australian Curriculum’s Organising Ideas for the Cross-Curriculum priority of Brim Art SilosSustainability Education and showed how these could be applied to tourism to local and regional tourist destinations for short trips (excursions).

Development-and-tourism (issue 154) moved to a global scale with a focus on the concept of ‘development’ and introducing the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. Questions were suggested for SDGs Icons-FINALthinking about applying these concepts for ethical, responsible behaviours as tourists, especially in the future. It concluded with an explanation of the meaning behind the 2017 IYSTD logo.

PS 2020 – The ideas covered in this series of articles will be even more important when people start travelling again in the post-covid19 world.

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page set up 20 August 2020

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