One Hungry Spider

Read4Nature – Picture Books about our native wildlife -which may also be living on farms.

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Book name One hungry spider
Author/ Illustrator Jeannie Baker
Thumbs up! I love the use of textiles for the illustrations in this book.
Main theme The orb’s web links it to other creatures and plants.
Living things in this book Orb spider (female), magpies, grasshoppers, dragon flies, spiderlings, ladybirds, butterflies, wasps, flies.
things to talk about in the illustrations
  • {     Number matches to the illustrations
  • {     Characteristics of living things
    • {   Colours
    • {   Body shapes
    • {   Number of legs = birds, insects and spiders.
    • {   Relative sizes
  • {     links into the environment
    • {   web placed between plants
    • {   what goes past
    • {   protective behaviours
  • {     other aspects of the web
    • {   shapes in the web
    • {   changes in the web
    • {   what size creatures it traps
    • {   how and when it is renewed
things to notice in the text
  • {     Numbers
  • {     Characteristics of orbs
    • {     Food it traps
    • {     Responses to different things trapped
    • {     Species that threaten it
Now to observe
  • {     Notice spiders around you – but don’t touch! They can bite.
  • {     Do you have an orb – watch what it does over the months!
And to record
  • {     Make a drawing of the visitors to the web to  show food for the orb and what it can be food for (i.e. a food chain)
  • {     Make a pictorial list for teaching ‘orb children’ (spiderlings) how to respond to different insects: hide, feed or ignore!
  • {     Use materials to make a spider in its web or an insect you have seen.
More about this book:
Science notes At the back. Good details about these spiders.Researched from the Australian Museum, Sydney.
Publisher Andre Deutsch Ltd, London, UK
Year 1982
ISBN 0-233-97429-6
Publisher’s suggested age Juvenile literature

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Page updated 15 Jan 2013
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